Local station's callsign
Whether WSJT-X is currently decoding
Local station's Maidenhead grid
The connected transceiver's dial frequency in hertz
Remote station's callsign
Remote station's Maidenhead grid
WSJT-X client name
The receive protocol that WSJT-X is decoding
The local station's signal report for the remote station
The listening frequency in hertz above the dial frequency
If non-zero, WSJT-X is in a special mode like Fox/Hound or Field Day
Whether WSJT-X is transmitting
The transmit frequency in hertz above the dial frequency
Whether WSJT-X is allowed to transmit during the next window
The message being transmitted
WSJT-X sends this status message when various internal state changes to allow the server to track the relevant state of each client without the need for polling commands.
See WSJT-X source.